Sustainable development is a principle that seeks to satisfy fundamental human rights and opportunities for human development while maintaining the ability of natural systems to provide communities and people with natural resources and ecosystem services.
Sustainability is not a new concept for us. Since the 1960s we’ve used an electric arc furnace in the smelting process at our steelworks. We have reduced our fossil CO2 emissions by 46% since 1990. We are already using only 100% fossil-free electricity and our products are made from 84-98% recycled material. We are convinced that new technological innovations will play an important role in many of the global environmental challenges. Our experience, our expertise and our values will be the key to further development.
At Uddeholm, we have already started the journey to fossil-free production and climate neutrality. Our production system and location provide us with very well suited conditions for leading this development. By 2030 we will have fossil-free production and by 2040 the entire lifecycle of our products will be climate-neutral.
In 2021, we carried out a climate-neutral production week. During Uddeholm’s Climate Neutral week, we replaced LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) with fossil-free LBG (Liquefied Bio Gas). All internal transports also switched over to fossil-free electricity or 100% HVO100 (Biodiesel). These measures will lead to a significant reduction of up to 90% of our fossil CO2 emissions. These are real changes. Changes that show that what might be considered impossible is actually possible. Not tomorrow, but today. Read more about Uddeholm’s Climate Neutral week »
Over the year we carried out activities to strengthen our work environment, which should be safe and healthy. Our business must be conducted in a way where no one gets hurt at work and where we care about each other’s safety. In addition, we work preventively with our physical and mental health. A health policy has been developed and is continually revised to meet the standards required for a sustainable and healthy work environment.
Together, our network of experts around the world work non-stop to create solutions that are sustainable, secure and long-lasting – for our customers and for ourselves. In other words, our customers get much more from us than just steel. They also get our promise to always produce steel that is as kind on the environment as possible. Achieving this is an ongoing process and a promise that must be kept every day.